Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Mobile Phone Reception

Posted on March 31st, by Richard Goodenough in Roads and Utilities. Comments Off on Mobile Phone Reception

Residents of Tresham should complain as can be seen in this extract from the April issue of Hillesley Happenings:

Information from Cllr Trevor Burden who has been investigating as part of the parish plan action plan.

I have been speaking to a “man on the inside” who has the low down on Orange, T-Mobile & 3 who are working together these days. Sadly I have no inside information for Vodafone & O2. It seems that the operators agree that there is poor reception in Tresham & Hillesley. So no surprise there then. For Hillesley there is some light on the horizon. Apparently there is a mast nearby which has an antenna that can be tweaked to give better reception. For this to happen the residents of Hillesley need to complain to their phone companies and if sufficient complaints are received, they may decide it is worth while doing the tweak & send out a technician.

For Tresham the situation is less positive. Apparently there are ridges on both sides between us and the closest masts, both on the A46. Because of the small population of Tresham there is not much incentive for the operators to do much about this. I asked if a small community funded repeater station could be integrated into the network, but was told this was not possible (technical reasons I think). But again, the advice I was given was to complain. And if you can play on the importance of good reception to you business interests, this should help.