Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Well Hill Appreciated

Posted on August 18th, by Editor in Community. 1 Comment

Sue Whitfield found this note under the bench by the spring on Well Hill:

Well Hill appreciation note

In case you find that tricky to read(!) it says:

Dear local person,

It has been lovely sitting on your bench in this beautiful place. But…. how much nicer it would be if you could see the valley.

Perhaps someone would poison the gunnera and cut down the willow herb!

Three happy walkers and their two dogs.

It is good to know our efforts are appreciated: a large group of villagers spent the day clearing the area earlier this summer and a volunteer mows it regularly.

However, poisoning the gunnera is not on the cards though the willow herb will be cleared to reveal the view from the bench.

Thank you to our visitors for leaving their comments – please come again!

One thought on “Well Hill Appreciated

  1. It was a lovely evening yesterday…. so I have now cut a viewing window – leaving the rather magnificent gunnera (apart from one tall and obtruding leaf) but removing some of the willow herb and adjacent rush foliage. The V of the valley can be now be seen from the bench. No promises for the future!