Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Tresham Village Bonfire and Fireworks 2015

Posted on October 23rd, by Editor in Social Gatherings, Tresham Village Hall. Comments Off on Tresham Village Bonfire and Fireworks 2015

Tresham Village Bonfire and Fireworks 2015

Hello Everyone.

This year’s bonfire and fireworks display will be held at the top of Well Hill on Saturday 7th November.

The fire will be lit around 6pm with fireworks around 6.30 – 6.45pm. Matt & Scott Kingston have kindly taken control of the fire-building to ensure it will be a success this year! They will prepare a base of straw and timber so everyone’s garden waste and other burnable material can be placed on top; a reminder this commences Sat 31st October.

There will be the usual BBQ and you are welcome to bring along any pre-cooked food (+beer & wine 🙂

Cash donations please towards the fireworks will be gratefully received (during the week commencing 31st October) the more money collected the better the display! Cash donations can be delivered to either ourselves at the address below; or Janet & David Bradbury at Pencot, Tresham   THANKYOU

Look forward to seeing you all there: Simon, Philippa, Sophie, Lucas @ The Old Post Office, Tresham (Tel. 890696)