Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Ultrafast Fibre Broadband

Posted on June 12th, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 4 comments

Ultrafast Fibre Broadband is on its way to Tresham.  That’s official!

I attended a meeting in Cheltenham this evening with others from Hillesley and Alderley to hear a representative from Fastershire explain that all three villages have been included in Phase 2 of the rollout of faster broadband.  Fastershire is a partnership between Gloucestershire County Council and Herefordshire Council to bring faster broadband to the two counties using public money.

The rollout of “fibre-to-the-property” by Gigaclear is planned to be in place by the end of 2018.  Being pure fibre, you would receive a reliable and consistent service with speeds up to 1000Mbps.  To be certain your property is included you should go to www.fastershire.com and complete Steps 1 and 2.  Apparently, BT has told Fastershire that there are some properties in the Hillesley and Tresham Parish which are already capable of receiving broadband at speeds exceeding 30Mbps; it seems these properties will therefore not qualify for the upgrade.  So you need to check in case you have mistakenly been included as one of these. If you do find that your property is one of those affected, check your broadband speeds and email info@fastershire.com with details of your name, phone number and address as well as the speeds you record.

Once Gigaclear have installed the service (you will see a ‘pot’ at the edge of your property) a connection is needed into your property. You have to sign up with an ISP (internet service provider), which could be Gigaclear but there are others – read more about what is involved and have a look at “What do I need to get set-up on ultrafast broadband?”

We could organise a meeting nearer the time to understand more about this – please leave a Comment if this would be of interest.

Richard Goodenough

4 thoughts on “Ultrafast Fibre Broadband

  1. This is wonderful news, Richard. Very many thanks to you and the people from Alderley and HIllesley for pushing on this. It will make a great deal of difference for everyone, in house values as well as in daily use, and Increasingly so as time goes by and more of us use the internet more of the time.

    I think a meeting would be a very good idea so we all understand what the alternatives are and what advantages or disadvantages each of them may have, and if appropriate, whether we can negotiate a reduced rate for quantity!

  2. Hear hear! Yes, thank you Richard. And I agree that a meeting sounds good closer to the time.

  3. Super news. Thanks for your time in sorting this out. Will definitely be interested & keen to find out more closer to the time.