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Posted on July 23rd, by Editor in Community. 8 comments

Anne Weaver writes:

Can anyone advise regarding the vast amount of flies that seem to be invading my cottage. I have tried lemons and cloves, basil, mint, lavender etc to discourage them but they are everywhere! Off to buy an electronic zapper later as I have broken my normal swatter with over use. It’s carnage in the kitchen. Just wondering if the whole village is suffering Or if I have something nasty lurking under the floor Thanks

8 thoughts on “Flies!

  1. Anne
    Fear not as we are suffering too. We’d rather have a hot house with doors shut than suffer the daily tide of flies that arrive if left open.
    I’m afraid nothing we have tried deters them.

  2. We have them also on The Furlongs so your not alone! Not sure what to do though!!

  3. Hello Anne, we too are inundated with flies so I don’t think its anything nasty under your floorboards, just hot weather and horrid flying things

    Jo Flowerdew

  4. The current infestation is Lesser House fly, they are not interested in meat like house flies or bluebottles etc., they like bits of sticky things, cake, sugar etc.,

    Best kill method is sticky boards, fly papers or red top fly traps available from Amazon at £14.99 for 2

  5. We have been plagued for a while, and in Wotton people are talking about it too. I have had sticky fly papers up for nearly a week and have a good death rate but there is no eradication system I know except toleration. We try not to have lights on when cooking in the kitchen if possible, put any food or drink etc away as fast as possible, use fly net ‘umbrella’ food protectors bought in previous years and eat outside when we can! They are very hard to catch with a flyswatter, but no doubt there will soon be blue-bottles which are more horrible but easier to swat. The current house flies are the slightly biting variety and I am getting slightly more tolerant. The DIY shop has run out of the sticky papers twice at least (I have bought his last box twice in a week) but you can also get some on the internet, though the DIY shop ones catch more than the very cheap brown papers I got through Amazon while waiting for a re-stock. Good luck!

  6. Me too!
    I seem to be getting 2 kinds – the nasty biters (which I believe are called stable flies) don’t seem to come into the house much but save their venom for the garden. The little ones that come into the house are just incredibly persistent and annoying, crawling all over you whenever you stay still.
    I have a chain screen across my door and keep the windows closed – helps a bit. And I’ve found swatting them – hard – with a folded tea-towel is remarkably effective and definitely makes me feel better! Good luck too ?

  7. I agree it’s extremely therapeutic using a folded tea-towel although I have now bought a battery zapper.

    In the kitchen I have put a large kilner jar in the window it’s half full with water with pennies at the bottom this seems to stop them coming in as I guess they think it’s a nest of some description.

    Its spiders I dislike so all windows will be tightly closed come September! ?

  8. Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and reassuring replies. A price we pay for this wonderful summer and , flies or no flies , I am pleased to live in Tresham. X Happy swatting!