Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Carol Service and Use of Church

Posted on December 13th, by Editor in Church. Comments Off on Carol Service and Use of Church

Message to Tresham Residents – mid December 2018

Dear All,

Two messages –

  1. A reminder that our carol service is this coming Sunday (16th) at 11 am. It will, I am sure, be as lively and lovely as ever and there will, of course, be festive refreshments afterwards. As well as the normal church collection during the service, we shall as usual at Christmas be holding a retiring collection for donations to ‘Crisis at Christmas’ and ‘GARAS’, the Gloucester Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers.
  2. About the possible re-ordering of the church building so it can be used for a wider range of events by the village: I shall be holding meetings in January. The first is planned for January 8th at 7.30 pm in the church. It would be helpful to know if you can come, or if you would like to come but cannot do that time or that day. In that case, please offer me another day and time, and I will try to fit your schedule and offer it also to others. My phone number and email address are below, or you could let me know at the carol service.

We hope to see you on Sunday!

With best wishes,
tel: 890338        email: susan@envirostrat.co.uk