Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Fibre Optic Network 2

Posted on June 4th, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 6 comments

Fibre Optic Network 2

Steve Harris of Gigaclear has replied to my queries:

  1. The dig letter is normally sent a couple of weeks before contractors move into a community area.  As I explained the other night, this could be anywhere within the area so its probably best to organise a village meeting ahead of time.  If you want to send me some suggested dates/times for a couple of months time I’d be happy to put something in the diary?
  2. Correct; the current projection is for work to start towards the end of quarter 3 (Sept) but this is dependent on other factors such as current build progress, dates given for future road closures etc. so its very much a case of needing to keep you updated as we moved forwards.  The project team are currently working on a revised programme so I’m hoping to have updated information by the end of June, that I can then communicate out to parishes.
  3. A fibre optic cable connects from the POT into the property; inside of the property the modem’s backplate will be installed at the agreed location, attached to a wall as per manufacturers recommendations.  The wifi router/modem is one unit so it would just be this attached to the wall.


6 thoughts on “Fibre Optic Network 2

  1. Does this mean that I have to change to another provider ? I am now quite happy with BT.

  2. Hi Richard,

    Thanks for this. Do we know yet what the connection fees will be?


    • Hi Colin, Steve mentioned an ‘activation fee’ of some £30 which I understood to be a fairly typical ‘connection fee’. You could contact Gigaclear but we are in the process of arranging a meeting in Tresham with Gigaclear around 22 Aug when these sort of questions can be addressed.