Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Fibre Optic Network 3

Posted on August 24th, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 2 comments

Steve Harris of Gigaclear gave a presentation to 12 villagers on Thursday evening.

The scheme for our area (Upper Kilcott (South West)) has been designed and validated but is currently on hold whilst being re-evaluated.  Once over that the ‘build length’ can take up to nine months.  Two ‘green’ cabinets are planned, one at Burden Court and one by the phone box, from which the individual optical fibre cables are run to a Point of Termination in the verge outside each house.  All this work is at no charge to householders but to connect to the network it will be necessary to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP).  Several ISPs including Gigaclear can provide a service over the new network and details of Gigaclear’s are shown at https://www.gigaclear.com/get-fibre-broadband-your-home. A good deal of information is also shown under FAQs under Support.

A new Community Engagement Manager, Ben Stone, replaces Steve shortly and he will become our point of contact.

2 thoughts on “Fibre Optic Network 3

  1. I thought it was a very useful meeting. Steve also told us we could register with gigaclear on their website (identifying our own property on a drop down menu) as showing some interest and then we get automatic news updates over the progress of the installation regarding our property without any obligation on our side. He also mentioned a very useful website (roadworks.org) which shows all the causes and information of road works on even small roads. So I looked up the one still going on last week on the edge of Wotton on the Wortley road, and clicking on the red location button (which you see when you find the road on a map) you are told what is happening and for how long. It was accurate over that particular piece of work, stating both when it would end, and also removing the block from the website when the road was open again (despite the signs not having been removed).

  2. Thanks for the update. Key we keep pressure on to get this work done otherwise we will end up getting overlooked for cost reasons. Happy to help in whatever capacity I can to move this forward such as petitioning local councillors, our local MP, etc.