Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Tresham Support Network

Posted on March 17th, by Editor in Community. 4 comments

Tresham Support Network

In view of the Government’s advice to those with underlying health conditions, pregnant women and anyone over 70, to self-isolate for 12 weeks, Henry has suggested putting together a support network of interested or available people to provide support for anyone in the village who may need supplies.  A number of people have kindly offered to be part of a rota to go and purchase supplies if needed.

The idea would be to create a WhatsApp Group and invite both those seeking and offering help to register their interest with Simon Lee who will set up the Group.  Those who can’t leave their homes would make a request to the Group and a volunteer would respond, first via the Group and then directly to them, asking for their list of supplies.

This will require participants to have a smartphone.  If that is the case interested participants, either those who need support or those offering it, should send Simon a WhatsApp message on 07770 370882 to register as soon as possible.  If you need support but don’t have a smartphone, please phone Simon.

In order to avoid using plastic bags, recipients could either put out their bags or take them round to the volunteer.

As for payment, there is a system promoted by the banks, which ideally suits this purpose if you use online banking.  It is called PAYM and it is simply a matter of linking your bank account to your mobile phone number.  Once the payer and the payee have each registered with their respective banks (a simple online procedure), the payer can then pay by selecting the payee’s mobile phone number.  Assistance can be given to set this up if that would help.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please Comment below or phone Simon.

4 thoughts on “Tresham Support Network

  1. Happily I am under seventy and in good health so far Hence i am still working in the care sector in Hawkesbury, unless I develop symptoms.
    I will join the Whats App group as a volunteer to respond to requests for assistance or to ask for help if I find myself confined to home as I live alone. I will not offer to go on the shopping rota as i am likely to be quite busy at work, but could be on standby to run small errands or give support

    • Thanks Anne.
      Please send me a WhatsApp message on 07770 370882 and I’ll add you to the Group

  2. I am at present working 1.5 hrs per day fours days per week in Tetbury with my Dental team covering any dental emergencies.
    I have protective gloves and masks so am very happy to shop and collect for Tresham villagers at Tesco Tetbury.

    I Will join the WhatsApp group.
    Angie Hedges.