Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Broadband Speed

Posted on April 4th, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 10 comments

Broadband Speed

Robert Whitfield at Coombe Head writes:

We use BT Broadband. At the moment the experience is lousy. Not certain whether the problem is primarily BT Broadband in Tresham or a problem more specifically to do with WIFI in our house. As we are going to be more dependent on Broadband than ever for the next few months, I would be grateful for some local feedback.

It would be great to hear from other BT Broadband customers what their experience is and what their reported speeds are.

It would be great also to hear from customers of other Broadband suppliers (e.g. Voneus ) what speeds they are getting and what their experience is.

Many thanks


10 thoughts on “Broadband Speed

  1. I believe Voneus is limiting their speed to 10Mbps up and down at the present time and that is what we are generally getting at Talbot Court Farm. Others may have different experiences.

    However, we have been experiencing two or three minute dropouts several times a day over the past couple of months. An engineer came out this week to replace the connector, the bit that receives the cable into the house from the radio receiver and at the same time provides power to the receiver.

    Richard Goodenough

  2. We use Voneus, service is ok but not brilliant. Had a few issues recently which they have fixed remotely. We were with BT prior to moving here but they weren’t able to offer the same speed so went with Voneus or Cotswolds Wireless as they were as really the only viable option. When there’s more choice we’ll definitely look around. What I know about these things is equivalent to the back of a postage stamp as they say though!!

  3. We are with BT it has always been low speed -now we are having more problems with connection with the server and unable to complete orders ! It is much lower than the band speed voneus seems to offer its customers.

  4. We have BT and it’s currently really poor. Much slower than normal and dropping out all the time. No idea why or what to do. Help would be much appreciated!
    Johnny 4 Furlongs

  5. We have Plusnet with a tp-link router and it is slow and drops in and out.We lucky if we have over 2mbps
    This is due to the area we live in,the more users (village) at a time the worse it gets.

  6. BT miss sold me broadband and when engineer came he virtually laughed at me expecting speeds they had promised. I cancelled and went with Voneus.

    It’s pretty good. A 1000000 better than BT. Athough not without issues. Hoping fibre may be a viable option. We can only wait and see. But BT I wouldn’t go near.

  7. We are with Voneus but unsure why as we mostly have to use our 3G on our phones when able.
    The customer service seems pretty helpful and seem to get us up and running for a short time however, it just stops working a day or so later. The speed, when we have connection, seems ample for what we need but we’re not big users of the internet (I.E no gaming or downloading)
    In a nutshell – it’s pants!
    We did however get a lovely packet of mints from them through the post. They will need to do more than that to apologise.

    Dan – Twin Cottage.

  8. Thanks everybody. Really helpful. It seems clear that BT broadband in the village is not good – and has got significantly worse recently, for reasons that we can all understand: people at home much more, with more downloading, gaming etc.

    It seems that the Voneus service is far from perfect, but that the basic speed is significantly better than BT at present. I plan to make a 12 or 24 month switch, awaiting the arrival of the fiberoptic to our homes.

    Richard Goodenough: you are saying that you are getting the 10 Mps that Voneus say they are offering. If any one is able to give me a reading of their current Voneus speed they are actually receiving, that would clinch it. A good test is

    Many thanks for all your help

    SO, I am poised to

  9. Hello Everyone……

    We have BT and Voneus. BT is ‘more’ reliable but hopelessly slow. Voneus is our day to day service, with BT the backup when Voneus fails.

    Speed test results:
    BT 2.76
    Voneus 7.12

    By comparison our son lives in Bristol and uses Virgin. The speed he enjoys is usually over 100.