Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Our Church

Posted on May 2nd, by Editor in Church. 2 comments

Dear Villager

As residents of Tresham perhaps we are seeing our village in a new light and placing even greater value on being part of a small community.  Certainly, this pandemic has caused us to pull together and gather round to support each other.

Some of us feel that the church represents a focal point, not just for religious purposes but as an expression of that communal feeling.  Indeed, a high proportion of villagers enjoy the Christmas Carol service and perhaps that is partly because it brings us together and gives us a shared sense of place.

However, the Church Committee is facing a dilemma: without the ability to hold services we are less able to attract donations.  Even when we are functioning normally it is a challenge to make ends meet because most of our running costs such as insurance and our contribution towards the cost of clergy and support services, are outside our control and increase year on year.

If you would like to help, for example, with a one-off or a regular donation towards either running costs or just building repairs, please contact the Treasurer, Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address , or the Church Warden, Sue Whitfield Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address .

Thank you and keep safe,

Tresham Church Committee

2 thoughts on “Our Church

  1. We will make a donation. Perhaps we can have a fund raising event when the current circumstances allow. I’m sure we would all want to ensure the church can continue be an important part of our community.

    • That is a great idea, Julie – thank you so much for responding so positively. We had been thinking much earlier of what we might do this year, as we have not had a proper fundraiser for a while, so when gatherings can indeed be held we will see what we can do in terms of the whole village enjoying themselves together, to celebrate our community spirit which is so evident at the moment, as well as helping the church with the surplus. Meanwhile, Richard (Goodenough) has the details if anyone wants to make on online donation of any sort. I look forward to being able to open up the church building again as soon as this is permitted, so at least people can go there and enjoy the spirit of not only the church in its village now, but also the history of previous churches on that site, and the thousands of people who have walked up and down that path for whatever reason over many hundreds of years.