Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council Meeting – June

Posted on June 6th, by Simon (Councillor) in Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council Meeting – June

The next Parish Council meeting takes place on Tuesday 9th June at 7pm.   Once again it will be a meeting by Zoom and parishioners are welcome to join.  Details of the meeting ID and login are available in advance from the clerk’s email: htpclerk@gmail.com.

The regular meeting next week will be preceded by the Annual General Meeting.  The agendas for both meetings are pinned on the village notice board.  If anyone would like a copy of the agendas or of the minutes of the May meeting emailed to them, please let me know. (simonellislee@btinternet.com). 

Minutes and agendas are available for all to see on the Parish Council website (wwww.htpc.org.uk).  This web site is a ‘hot topic’ for the council right now.  Hopefully, you’ll see some improvements to its organisation and layout over the coming months.  You can also access a revised Grants Policy on the home page.

During this unusually quiet time there is not a lot of action to inform you about.  Regular topics involving, planning applications, financial management, district and county council reports are all reviewed.

Specifically for Tresham, the grass cutting at the top and bottom of Well Hill has continued and I’m hoping the drains by the parking area there will be unblocked soon.  The defibrillator in the phone box has been upgraded to the latest model, which is our permanent unit.  It’s operation is almost identical to the original unit which we had on loan, so no need to update any of the training material/videos etc..  And as you have seen, we’ve finally had some clarification from Gigaclear regarding the village fibre installation.  This renders the Gloucestershire County Council road closure notice on the village notice board as inaccurate, although still relevant for the revised dates.

Of course, if anyone has any specific issues or ideas that could be addressed by the Parish Council, please let me know.

Simon Lee

Parish Councillor