Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Septic Tank Emptying

Posted on July 23rd, by Editor in Roads and Utilities. 3 comments

Normally CSG would charge us £169 (vat zero rated) to empty our septic tank.  Having arranged for one other to be done at the same time CSG has dropped the price to £145 each.  I have asked if they would give further discounts if more households asked to be ‘done’ at the same time, though I am not sure if this would be applied in time for the proposed date for us of 11 Aug.

CSG has said that if people contact Ashley on 01489 778252, mentioning ‘Goodenough’ they will see what further discount they can give – the more people the greater the discount.  And of course, there are environmental benefits to having fewer lorry movements.  I have always been satisfied with CSG’s service and have used them for years but I don’t know how they compare with competitors.

If you do register your interest I suggest you post a Comment to that effect so that I can check back with CSG to ensure we are getting a better rate.

Richard Goodenough

3 thoughts on “Septic Tank Emptying

  1. We have requested and been offered this deal for £145.
    Thanks Richard
    David Bradbury

  2. Hi we have called and joined in too – all seems scheduled for the 11th August.
    Thanks for doing this Richard – great idea.