Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council – September

Posted on September 17th, by Simon (Councillor) in Parish Council. 1 Comment

Following the summer break in August a Parish Council meeting took place via Zoom on Tuesday 14th September.  For your information the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting and the minutes from July’s meeting are pinned on the village notice board.  To remind you, minutes and agendas of this and previous meetings are available on the Parish Council website www.htpc.org.uk

Here are a few items to update you on:

The public has a right to view the Parish Council 2019/2020 financial statements until the 14th October 2020.  They are currently on www.htpc.org.uk

The Parish Council website (www.htpc.org.uk) referred to frequently is being reviewed and will be restructured in the coming months making accessibility and ease of use much better.

We are beginning to look at the spending budget for next year.  I have the following ideas and would very much welcome any more, so please let me know:

  • Refurbishment of the steps down to the millennium garden at Well Hill
  • A second seat/bench at the millennium garden
  • A farm trough, or other container, to sit in the area near the notice board to accommodate some flowers for villagers to maintain. 
  • Renovation of the ‘village pound’ area maybe to incorporate an information board

The Wotton Area Mutual Aid group suspended all services from 5th September.  This follows a reduction in activities during August and reflects a significant drop in requests for help.  I’ve posted the notice regarding this on the village notice board.

Although we’ve seen a similar reduction in activity on the Tresham Support WhatsApp group I suggest we keep this going and continue to use it, just as we are.

This is the link to the Gloucestershire County Council website with up to date Covid-19 data for the county:


Regarding our fibreoptic frustrations and for what it’s worth,  I’ve asked the Parish Council chairman to write to Fastershire expressing our disappointment with the ongoing delays.

Here are some useful links which you may find interesting:

  1. The Parish Council subscribes to ‘Community Action in Gloucestershire’. https://www.grcc.org.uk
  2. The countryside charity Gloucestershire: https://www.cpreglos.org.uk

As ever, if anyone has any specific issues or ideas that could be addressed by the Parish Council, please let me know


Simon Lee


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