Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Shop Locally for Christmas!

Posted on November 26th, by Editor in Have You Heard?. Comments Off on Shop Locally for Christmas!

There are at least two retail business which operate from Tresham (if there are others, let us know!).

They are both on your doorstep and delivery is free to you:

Charlotte’s homemade homeware, gifts and accessories, and  Richard’s Palestinian Produce.


Only a small range but some of these goods make ideal presents.  For example, a box of premium dates, a 500ml bottle of unfiltered olive oil from this year’s harvest or a gift-box of soaps.  Or for a special treat you could give My Souk, one of everything in the range.

All goods, except for the bulk sizes, are in stock now.  I will be ordering more stock next Monday, 30 November – if you can get your order placed before then, including bulk sizes, I would expect delivery by the end of the week.