Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council – Election

Posted on February 21st, by Simon (Councillor) in Have You Heard?, Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council – Election

If you’re interested in serving the Tresham community, there is now a chance to stand for election to the Hillesley and Tresham Parish Council.

The council’s current term of office ends on May the 5th.  Existing parish councillors who wish to continue must stand for re-election along with any other nominees. The parish council chairman David Darlow, has taken delivery of nomination papers and if you are interested in standing please let David know on 01453 842947.  It is a relatively straight forward process although you’ll need a proposer and a seconder.  Tresham ward has two seats allocated to it and currently I am the only villager on the council and would be very happy to have a neighbour join me.

If you have any questions either contact David or direct them to me.


Simon Lee

Parish Councillor