Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council – March

Posted on March 23rd, by Simon (Councillor) in Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council – March

Spring Clean

First of all, big thank you to everyone who turned out on Saturday morning for the village spring clean.  There were over 20 of us scouring the roadside verges and hedgerows from the bottom of Alderley Hill to the A46. We were all surprised at the volume of rubbish that is hidden away.  As well as the usual bottles, tins and plastics we found part of a curtain pole, bicycle inner tubes, yards of cabling, a school tie and a breakfast bowl.  Not only do we have a fresher appearance, I’m sure that Tresham’s fauna and flora greatly appreciates our efforts!


Well Hill

In the previous parish council update I mentioned that we had secured the finance to renovate the steps leading down to Well Hill.  This much needed work will start very soon and there will be some disruption. I’m sure it’ll be worth it and appreciated in the longer term.

There are also plans afoot to make Well Hill garden more appealing as a meeting and community space.  Updates on this will be coming soon.


Parish Council Election

As mentioned in a previous post local council elections will take place on Thursday 6th May.  This includes Hillesley & Tresham Parish Council.  I’ve put more information about this on the notice board near the phone box.  Tresham is currently underweight in terms of its parish council representation and it would be great if a fellow villager would join me.  I have some nomination forms which have to be completed by 8th April.  Please let me know if you are interested. 


Council Tax

You will have received your council tax bill recently.  I hope you noticed that your contribution to the parish council was significantly reduced for the year ahead.  This was a decision taken by the parish council in recognition of the difficult year we’ve all endured.  Council activity was reduced during 2020 as was its expenditure and investment in new projects. 


Centre for Sustainable Energy

Based in Bristol and working in partnership with Exeter University, the CSE  (www.cse.org.uk) is developing a web based tool to help parish councils set goals and objectives in the fight against climate change.  Combining real data and some modelling this ‘guide for action’ is clearly in its infancy and will improve over time with further development.  Please take a look and explore its use. Feedback welcomed!  https://impact-tool.org.uk


Simon Lee

Parish Councillor