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Ash Dieback – Tree Felling

Posted on July 12th, by Simon (Councillor) in Have You Heard?. Comments Off on Ash Dieback – Tree Felling

As you probably know, Ash Dieback is affecting many trees in our area, as it is nationally.  Local concern has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention regarding the tree felling currently being undertaken on behalf of the Badminton Estate between Hawkesbury Upton and Hillesley.  As a result the Parish Council is to chair a public meeting when the estate manager from Badminton together with two colleagues will make a presentation to explain the challenges they are facing, the actions being taken and those proposed.

You are invited to the meeting which will take place on Monday 19th July at 7:30pm in Hopkins Hall, Hillesley.  As well as an opportunity to question Badminton about the specific tree felling being undertaken now, it will also serve to give a better understanding of this disease which is set to devastate our countryside and alter its appearance for many years to come.

Simon (Councillor)