Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Ring Out for Climate

Posted on October 1st, by Editor in Community. Comments Off on Ring Out for Climate

Ring Out for Climate

There is a movement to get all the bells of churches and cathedrals in the country (and some groups internationally are planning to do it too) to ring for 30 minutes at 6pm on Saturday October 30th, on the eve of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, which starts the next day. The scheme is called ‘ Ring out for climate‘ – church and cathedral bells used to be used as public warnings.

Some of us will be doing that here in Tresham, and warmly invite anyone who would like to join us to come along. There is just one bell, with one rope, but if we have a group then each person can do a minute or so and hand over to the next.

Our experts are Richard and David, who have offered to demonstrate at 11.10 am this Sunday (just before our service, when the bell is traditionally rung) and maybe afterwards too over coffee. But training will also be available on the job on October 30th, watching the person ahead and doing likewise. Personally, I have found that while it is not exactly hard, because there is a little trick to it, it is not always as easy as it looks either!

Please let me or David or Richard or Jenny know if you are interested, or just come early to the service if you would like to try it then.

The service this Sunday will be ‘lay led’ – meaning that there are not going to be any clergy there, so it will be a simple non- communion service with hymns, prayers and readings, followed by the traditional coffee, tea, flapjacks and chatter…

Sue W