Welcome to Tresham Village, Gloucestershire, UK

Parish Council – February

Posted on February 21st, by Simon (Councillor) in Have You Heard?, Parish Council. Comments Off on Parish Council – February

Council Tax

It’s that time of year when Council Tax bills start coming through the letterbox.  The Parish Council’s share of the overall Council Tax is very small but hopefully, you remember last year that the Parish Council decided to reflect on the reduced level of spending and activity due to the pandemic by cutting its precept and therefore the charge through council tax by around 50%.  Life is now opening up and our activity is increasing once again and the Council decided to increase the precept.  However, the 2022/2023 amount is still around 25% lower than the pre-pandemic level.  

Village Tidy Up 

As we are often reminded, we live in a beautiful place, please help to keep it that way.  The annual Saturday morning village tidy up and litter pick is coming soon.  Make Tresham tidier and get out for some exercise for a couple of hours on Saturday 19th March. Meet at the telephone box from 10am.  Litter pickers, black bags and fluorescent jackets will be ready for you!

Church Survey

Please lookout for a short survey that will be available online within the next few days.  It should take you no more than ten minutes to complete giving Tresham Church’s committee your feedback regarding the future of the building.  Some important decisions are to be made and it would be very useful to get your opinions.  A paper version of the survey will also be available so please let me know if you, or anyone else you are aware of, needs one.

Councillor Surgeries

Don’t forget that our county and district councillors are very accessible to you.  They hold regular surgeries and encourage community discussion on a number of topics. 

These include for the county council, Linda Cohen (linda.cohen@gloucestershire.gov.uk); highway maintenance, traffic speed control, family support, cycling and walkway infrastructure strategy. 

And topics for the District Council Rich Wilsher (cllr.rich.wilsher@stroud.gov.uk) include; planning, council tax, refuse and recycling


Simon Lee

Parish Councillor