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Bits & Splits

Posted on July 14th, by Editor in Church, Social Gatherings. 3 comments

Bits & Splits

This terrific event was held on 13 Jun, organised and hosted by Nigel and Mary Kingston. Well attended by villagers, friends and other music enthusiasts it was so successful that Nigel and Mary have been able to donate the surplus of £830 to Tresham Church.  With Gift Aid this is worth £1037.50.

It takes a lot of effort to organise such an event, so a big thank you to Nigel and Mary not only from the church committee but from all those who value our church and community.

3 thoughts on “Bits & Splits

  1. Quite agree a fantastic eent despite the inclement weather and what a fantastic financial result.
    Huge thanks to Nigel & Mary

  2. What a great evening, from the sound of things – we were very sorry we could not come after all. Very many thanks to Nigel and Mary for their very generous donation to the church, which is greatly appreciated by the PCC.